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In My Shoes: 24hrs with Crohn’s and Colitis

Posted by DeadAnarchistPhil on July 31, 2019


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Yeah, you probably haven’t, but now you can experience it yourself, welll, sort of…

Crohn’s and Colitis UK have developed an app with the help of Pharmaceutical company Takeda UK, to give people a view into what it’s like to have an IBD for 24hrs.

You can view the full run down here.

I know it’s step in the right direction, to give people an idea what it’s like and to create awareness, but I don’t think getting texts alerts telling you how tired you are, when you have to to go to the toilet and then take pictures of that toilet is going to cut it.

For one, most people will not have the time to do it, only one family member has done it so far with another saying…

Aint no body

Well she didn’t exactly say that but it was pretty close! Unless you’re experiencing all the actual physical discomfort, the inconvenience, the social isolation and fear of, or the actual soiling of yourself, then it’s hard to understand and know what it’s really like.

I mean, when I go out I nearly always have to go out with a backpack full of stuff. It’s what I call my ‘Just In Case Bag’. Here’s what it usually contains…


Can’t Wait Card: I always remember this first and foremost! You’re supposed to be able to show it in shops and other public places to use their facilities. I’ve never had to use it but this woman’s daughter did and she was refused. Just know that this isn’t always the case!

Toilet roll: Because public toilet provisions are usually missing and/or dreadful. Also family and friends may not be good enough or plenty enough.

Wet Wipes: I know they’re bad, but when you have an IBD they’re what stands between you and a painfully sore bum.

Multi Surface Wipes: If you’ve ever used a public toilet then you’ll know why! At times I don’t even have the chance to use these. Luckily for me I don’t go out much.

Body Spray: Just to feel clean. Women carry perfume, why can’t I carry that? Stop judging me!

Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser: I use this after I’ve washed my hands in a public toilet, mostly because walking out of the toilets you have to open doors and you don’t know if someone’s not washed their hands as they leave. Stop. Judging. Me.

Bottle of Water: When you have an IBD you need to keep hydrated.

Spare trousers, boxers and socks: You never know if or when you’ll need them!

Imagine walking around with that on you most of the time! I’d like to see them put that in the app! “You have just finished in the public toilet. Wash your hands 3 times and apply half a bottle of hand sanitiser”. I took it to a gig once, which is extremely rare and which I starved myself to get to, and had to hold it with me at all times. I could’ve put it in the cloak room but I would’ve had trouble getting it out in time.


And finally, on a side note I saw this in an article, what does this sign even mean? Only accessible to people with a rocket wheelchair?

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